Mailing address for the
2175 29th Ter, Vermillion, KS 66544
Government Requirements – EIN 90-0484830
Secretary – Lynn Schafer: 207-633-0788
Treasurer – Mary K Schafer
Memorial Contributions and Donations
Thank you for your interest in the Friends of Vermillion Community, Inc. Donations and Memorials.
Donations may be given as a memorial gift, a part of a bequest or a Redemption Check.
Your financial contribution may be directed towards a specific project or toward the betterment of the Vermillion Community. The “Friends” board is available to answer any questions regarding the much-needed current project or proposed projects or programs.
The “Friends of the Vermillion Community, Inc.” value your support in the betterment of Vermillion. If you would like your gift to remain anonymous, please indicate this as you make your contribution.
Remember, we are “Working Together for Vermillion.”